I am delighted to present the third edition of the Directory of Research Interests of Faculty and Scientists, showcasing the research profiles of our institute's esteemed faculty members. This edition highlights the significant research contributions and projects undertaken by Faculty and Scientists of the institute.
This compendium serves as a valuable platform for research groups to explore the interests and capabilities of other departments, fostering connections and collaboration in both common and complementary research domains. By facilitating a better understanding of each department's research landscape, this directory aims to strengthen collaborations and enhance the effective utilization of the institute's research services.
The current edition is being launched in an electronic format, allowing broader dissemination of our institute's research interests and contributions within the academic community. We anticipate that this will create numerous opportunities for scientific collaborations at both national and global levels. Essentially, this initiative aims to inspire and guide future faculty members toward cutting- edge, innovative, and socially relevant research, much like the ground-breaking work initiated at AIIMS, New Delhi, since its inception.
I extend my congratulations to the Dean (Research) and the entire team for their efforts in creating this valuable resource. I eagerly anticipate future editions and wish the initiative continued success.
Best Wishes,
The Directory of Research Interests of Faculty and Scientists – 2024 edition aims to showcase the key research areas of the esteemed Faculty and Scientists at AIIMS, New Delhi.
The first and the inaugural print edition of this compendium was released in 2019, followed by a more comprehensive second edition in 2022. Faculty and scientists from across the institute were invited to provide details about their significant research contributions, which were meticulously edited and organized by our team to align with the essence and purpose of this resource document.
In continuity with its print versions, the current electronic version presents descriptions of research work, important projects, key publications, and patents of individual faculty and scientists. Its distinct advantage lies in its browsability, web accessibility, and availability to the scientific community, facilitating broader collaborations.
Despite the challenges posed by word limits and the prescribed format, we have endeavoured to maintain the accuracy of essential information. We express our gratitude to the dedicated members of the editorial team who proofread and finalized this edition; the team appreciates the diligent coordination of the project by Dr. Sunita Kanswal and Dr Ravinder Singh. Additionally, we acknowledge the invaluable support of the Computer Facility at AIIMS Delhi for their substantial role in developing and assisting us in presenting this electronic version.
Our sincere thanks extend to all faculty and scientists who contributed their profiles to this directory.
We earnestly hope that this directory fulfils its purpose, and the research profiles within it inspire emerging researchers to contribute further to scientific knowledge and, ultimately, the betterment of society.
Best Wishes,
Chairman, Editorial team
Right from the inception of AIIMS, the research output has been phenomenal. Straddling diverse areas, kaleidoscopic in its variety, encompassing a multitude of disciplines and touching probably every fibre of biological sciences: this is a snapshot of research at AIIMS. Navigating the labyrinths of the diverse research capacities at AIIMS is another onerous task almost akin to negotiating the maze that AIIMS physically is. Hence, the need to develop a resource which profiles the research interests and vectors of individual members of this institute. So, would this be just the 'yellow pages'? No, we think this would be the scaffold which would open up doors and windows and connect, collaborate and create new frontiers of science at our institute.
The institute has been widely acknowledged and recognized for its research's quality, ethics and applicability. The faculty, scientists and students of AIIMS have been largely instrumental in maintaining this culture of cutting-edge research. The institute has outstanding scientific talent with diverse research interests. Over the years, two critical shifts have occurred. The explosion of knowledge has led to changes in the approach in ways we make our attempts at deciphering the puzzles offered by a disease. Answering a question often requires teams and domain expertise from allied or totally different fields. And, AIIMS has added many numbers in terms of faculty, scientists and students to its family. To create, collaboration is required often, and to collaborate, one has to connect. Or the palindromic way, the initial connection nurtures collaboration and manifests as creation. There was a felt need for identifying the research interests of faculty and scientists at AIIMS as that would serve as a first step while creating a multidisciplinary team for answering a research question. This is the germinal step for forming what we may call 'Consortium Clubs' of the Institute. Well did not Pele say “No individual can win a game by himself.
This task has required lots of painstaking efforts, meticulous editing and hours of drudgery. We congratulate the Editorial team led by Prof Rakesh Lodha who have done a magnificent job and they deserve much approbation and lavish appreciation for completing this task We would also like to thank the Computer Facility at AIIMS for creating the application that enables online access to the directory. This allows a broader audience of academicians worldwide to view it .
And so, we invite every faculty and scientist to utilize this research interest lexicon to come together, think together, work together and widen the sphere of influence of AIIMS in global research.
Simply put, this directory has the power to connect the dots at AIIMS.
Dean (Research) Associate Dean (Research)